Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Alachua County tops the state for kid flu vaccines

I'm so proud of my county and my university.

Several years ago, a flu campaign was initiated by our beloved Dr. Parker Small. His goal: vaccinate the school children and prevent the spread of influenza through the community. This year, with the support of the Emerging Pathogens Institute, Florida Department of Health and the Alachua County school system, free vaccinations were administered to our students. Even in the private schools, nose tickles were given early in the fall. Kudos to all involved. There is a small article in The Gainesville Sun.

I had the opportunity to sit next to Dr. Glenn Morris during a dinner last week and spoke to him about the vaccination effort. He was very pleased with the results and the community effort that was involved. One advantage we have here at the University of Florida...lots of students! Graduate and professional students in the Health Science Center were instrumental in talking with parents, getting forms signed, and helping with classroom management.

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